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List of Data published from BRH Oda's laboratory

10. Iwasaki-Yokozawa S, Nanjo, R., Akiyama-Oda Y, Oda H. (2022) Lineage-specific, fast-evolving GATA-like gene regulates zygotic gene activation to promote endoderm specification and pattern formation in the Theridiidae spider. BMC Biology 20:223. Journal site
[GEO GSE193511] [GEO GSE193650] [GEO GSE193870] [figshare for movies] [supple data tables with links to related info] [DEGs of isolated cells] [DEGs of fuchi nashi pRNAi] [ATAC-seq of fuchi nashi pRNAi] [trinity-based de novo assemblies of RNA-seqs from a wide range of spider species]
RNA-seq and ATAC-seq bigWig format data on early embryonic development of Parasteatoda tepidariorum. [Go to Database to see Ptep2.0 genome browser or use "Extract Data"]
9. Akiyama-Oda Y, Akaiwa T, Oda H. (2022) Reconstruction of the Global Polarity of an Early Spider Embryo by Single-Cell and Single-Nucleus Transcriptome Analysis. Front Cell Dev Biol. 10:933220. Journal site
[GEO GSE201705] [figshare for UMAP plot images] [Go to UMAP Plot search] [supple data tables with links to related info] [single-cell late stage 5] [single-nuc late stage 5]
8. Akiyama-Oda Y, Oda H. (2020) Hedgehog signaling controls segmentation dynamics and diversity via msx1 in a spider embryo. Sci Adv. 6:eaba7261. Journal site
[GEO GSE136357] [supple tables] [DEGs of hedgehog/patched/msx1 pRNAi] [Go to Database to see Ptep1.0 genome browser or use "Extract Data"]
7. Oda H., Akiyama-Oda Y, (2020) Dataset on gene expressions affected by simultaneous knockdown of Hedgehog and Dpp signaling components in embryos of the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Data Brief28:105088. Journal site
[GEO GSE112435] [Mendeley Data for WISH images] [Go to our image/movie database]
6. Oda H., Akiyama-Oda Y, (2019) Microarray data on the comparison of transcript expression between normal and Pt-Delta RNAi embryos in the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Data Brief25:104350. Journal site
[GEO GSE113064] [Mendeley Data for WISH images] [Go to our image/movie database]
5. Hemmi N, Akiyama-Oda Y, Fujimoto K, Oda H. (2018) A quantitative study of the diversity of stripe-forming processes in an arthropod cell-based field undergoing axis formation and growth. Dev Biol 437:84-104. Journal site
[Mendeley Data for confocalimage stacks] [Go to our image/movie database]
4. Iwasaki-Yokozawa S, Akiyama-Oda Y, Oda H. (2018) Genome-scale embryonic developmental profile of gene expression in the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Data Brief 19:865-7. Journal site
[GEO GSE112712] [Go to Database to see Ptep1.0 genome browser or use "Extract Data"]
3. Sasaki, M., Akiyama-Oda, Y., and Oda, H. (2017) Evolutionary origin of type IV classical cadherins in arthropods. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17: 142. Journal site
Parasteatoda tepidariorum (house spider) [BioProject]
[WGS] [DRR054563] [DRR054564] [DRR054565] [DRR054566] [DRR054567] [DRR054568] [DRR054569] [DRR054570] [DRR054571]
[RNA-seq] [DRR054572] [DRR054573] [DRR054574] [DRR054575] [DRR054576] [DRR054577(454GS)] [DRP002876(Assembly)] [IACA01000000(Assembly)]
Ligia exotica (sea slater) [BioProject]
[WGS] [DRR054549] [DRR054550] [DRR054551] [DRR054552] [BDMT010000000(Assembly)]
[RNA-seq] [DRR054553] [DRR054554] [IABZ01000000(Assembly)]
Caridina multidentata (freshwater shrimp) [BioProject]
[WGS] [DRR054555] [DRR054556] [DRR054557] [DRR054558] [DRR054559] [BDMR010000000(Assembly)]
[RNA-seq] [DRR054560] [DRR054561] [DRR054562] [IABX01000000(Assembly)]
2. Kanayama M, Akiyama-Oda Y, Nishimura O, Tarui H, Agata K, Oda H. Travelling and splitting of a wave of hedgehog expression involved in spider-head segmentation. Nat Commun. 2011;2:500. Journal site
[GEO GSE26468]
1. Oda, H., Nishimura, O., Hirao, Y., Tarui, H., Agata, K., and Akiyama-Oda, Y. (2007) Progressive activation of Delta-Notch signaling from around the blastopore is required to set up a functional caudal lobe in the spider Achaearanea tepidariorum. Development 134, 2195-2205. Journal site
House spider embryo cDNA library (mixed segmentation stages) []
House spider embryo cDNA library early stage 6 []
House spider embryo cDNA library early stage 7 []
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Last updated, 2022.9.06