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BLAST search (Odalabo)

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Parasteatoda tepidariorum (house spider) [BioProject]
[WGS] [DRR054563] [DRR054564] [DRR054565] [DRR054566] [DRR054567] [DRR054568] [DRR054569] [DRR054570] [DRR054571]
[RNA-seq] [DRR054572] [DRR054573] [DRR054574] [DRR054575] [DRR054576] [DRR054577(454GS)] [DRP002876(Assembly)] [IACA01000000(Assembly)]
Ligia exotica (sea slater) [BioProject]
[WGS] [DRR054549] [DRR054550] [DRR054551] [DRR054552] [BDMT010000000(Assembly)]
[RNA-seq] [DRR054553] [DRR054554] [IABZ01000000(Assembly)]
Caridina multidentata (freshwater shrimp) [BioProject]
[WGS] [DRR054555] [DRR054556] [DRR054557] [DRR054558] [DRR054559] [BDMR010000000(Assembly)]
[RNA-seq] [DRR054560] [DRR054561] [DRR054562] [IABX01000000(Assembly)]
1. Oda, H., Nishimura, O., Hirao, Y., Tarui, H., Agata, K., and Akiyama-Oda, Y. (2007) Progressive activation of Delta-Notch signaling from around the blastopore is required to set up a functional caudal lobe in the spider Achaearanea tepidariorum. Development 134, 2195-2205. Journal site

2. Sasaki, M., Akiyama-Oda, Y., and Oda, H. (2017) Evolutionary origin of type IV classical cadherins in arthropods. BMC Evolutionary Biology, in press. Journal site
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Last updated, 2017.6.08